Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nebraska Ed Chat

It has been some time since I last blogged.  I need to get back in the habit of writing on Monday, revising through the week, and posting on Friday.  So for my first blog back in a while I am going to talk about something fun and educational that goes on Wednesday nights from 8-9 PM CST.  If you are in the “Twitterverse” you already know what I am talking about, if not I will fill you in. I am talking about Nebraska Ed Chat (#nebedchat) on Twitter.

Nebedchat, is a wonderful place to converse with educators from all across Nebraska.  There are even participants from other states who join us for our chats.  A moderator, who is different every week, chooses a topic to ask questions about.  Those participating in the chat, answer the questions, reply to answers that they like, re-tweet answers you like, or just lurk.  You don’t even have to have a Twitter account to follow along, but you will have to have one to comment.

If you don’t have an account, just go to and search #nebedchat and follow along for the night.

This is a fast paced hour of wonderful professional development and PLN building.  You will be amazed by how quick the hour goes.  Please join us every Wednesday at 8 PM CST, I know you will be hooked! When you post to the chat, be sure to use the hashtag, #nebedchat.  See you on Wednesday nights.