Friday, September 14, 2012

iPad App Sites

In the short amount of time that I have been at ESU 7 and during the travels to schools so far I have come across one question more than most: Where are good sites to find apps for the iPad?  So, for this post, I will actually give a few and what you can find on those sites.

Appitic is a site that has over 1800 apps for the iPad.  It is also categorized for your convenience.  The way this site is divided up is into Themes, Pre-School, SPED, Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s, NETS, SEP, and Teachers.  It can be a little hard to find what you are looking for, but once you get the hang of it, it can be a breeze.

This is Apple’s site for their Education apps.  It will give you the basics and is divided by category as well.

This is a wiki that has apps organized by where they fit within Bloom’s Taxonomy.  This is just a basic list, but it is a place to get started.

This is another Bloom’s site, but deals more with the revised Digital Taxonomy.  It is a Livebider that you can go through and see the difference between the Original and the Revised Taxonomies.

This is a blog for Camera apps.  A good use for these types of apps is a picture dictionary for younger students.

Obviously, this is just a small list of what is out there on the web.   There are many more.  If you have some good sites that you use, please comment and leave the site that would be useful to others to use.  I would also like to keep adding to this list for those that ask about these types of sites.

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